is Clinically Shown to be Able to Kill
HIV Virus, Aids Co-Infections and Gonorrhea!
Our 2-Step Program Can Help You!
Step 1: Monolaurin (essential)
This is what actually kills the HIV virus and Aids co-infections! Monolaurin has been in hundreds of clinical studies by universities around the world and consistently shown to kill the HIV and Gonorrhea directly as well as other Aids co-infection manifestations.
Step 2: Mind and Memory (not essential)
• Helps reduce “brain fog” in more severe cases, and / or:
Heavy Metal Detox (not essential)
• Helps reduce "Herx" reactions, if needed.
(Both Step 2 nutrient blends are not essential, but may be helpful in more advanced cases.)
Step 1. Monolaurin – to kill the HIV virus (essential)
Most medical progress for HIV are from drugs trying to reduce the side effects of HIV resulting from the immune system being compromised. However, often there are also answers in nature for diseases like HIV. Monolaurin is one of them!
Hundreds of clinical studies (many on this site) shows monolaurin can kill all pathogen (bad) bacteria that can be part of co-infections. It also kills 14 different virus families – including the HIV virus – in the same way.
Monolaurin is natural, found in the highest concentration in nature in mother’s milk. Our body also converts about 3% of coconut oil into monolaurin. Monolaurin pellet supplements have simply been concentrated to 95% – where a teaspoon of pellets provides 6-10x a capsule (and are much easier to take.)
Infections: First, monolaurin kills pathogen (bad) bacteria – often the cause of AIDS complications. These bacteria have lipid membranes and monolaurin is a similar size molecule so monolaurin to absorb into it!
The monolaurin interrupts the reproductive signals within the bacteria. Then, when enough monolaurin absorbs into it, the membranes rupture and the bacteria dies! (Monolaurin does not kill good bacteria simply because they have different membranes!)
Monolaurin an excellent answer for the many possible co-infections that can accompany HIV. This is important because the largest source of pain, misery and death from HIV and Aids development is from other illnesses and diseases attacking the body. The immune system has been weakened, allowing many other things to attack the body.
Monolaurin does not boost the immune system or change any other body function. It directly attacks the bacteria and viruses, killing them. Clinical studies also show success with gonorrhea, herpes, hepatitis, Lyme’s disease, CFS, chlamydia, helicobacter pyloris, and influenza.
HIV virus: Even better, many clinical studies (link at top) have shown monolaurin to be able to kill HIV virus. It does not kill all viruses but the HIV virus has the same lipid membrane envelope as pathogen bacteria.
The HIV membrane has lipid fats so
monolaurin can absorb in and kill it! –
Don’t forget that, while monolaurin is absorbing in enough to kill the virus, it has already interrupted their ability to reproduce! Monolaurin does this by interfering with the signal transduction causing the DNA to split. Prevents the virus or bacteria from reproducing is a second “whammy”, stealing HIV’s thunder from it.
( Link to: More Monolaurin Information.)
“It’s a little embarrassing to admit I have it to people but it was getting harder to hide. It was to the point that the stigma was not as bad as how I was looking and feeling. Not much to lose and though you said it was not a cure, I was willing to try anything – and glad I did!
It’s taken 6 months instead of the 4-5 months mentioned as average but my viral count is way down. More important, as the doctor pointed out, it’s the co-infections that can kill you, and they are pretty non-existent now! I’ll continue to take the monolauran since it’s easy to do but sure am feeling better. Sounds like it’ll continue.” – Jay Dob…. UT
(Link to many more: Testimonies.)
Is This a Cure?
No one can legitimately claim a HIV ‘cure’ since the HIV virus can burrow into cells. When there, the cell wall protects everything within the cell so nothing can get to them there to kill them Currently, there is no test that can tell people whether there is any of the virus in the cells or not. Unfortunately, this means that no one can be sure they are completely free or ‘cured’ of HIV.
Fortunately, we can help with the free ranging viruses in the blood system that cause most of the problems and lower their count. Most people are happy about that!
Step 2: Mind and Memory & Heavy Metal Detox
(These are Not essential – but sometimes very helpful.)
Mind and Memory
Our protocols cover several pretty serious illnesses – including HIV. They work very well but it can involve 6-7+ months for full results. One problem is that HIV often causes physical and mental fatigue and depression. This mental tiredness is often called, “brain fog” – a lack of mental energy and focus.
We are finding that a mind and memory formula can help give you a much needed mental and moral boost while the protocol is doing its job!
• People feel they are “getting on top of it” quicker, • Have better thinking ability, • More energy, and less discouragement, • Are greatly encouraged in staying with the protocol to get results!
We recommend a blend of the nutrients the body needs to make…
The Essential “4 Brain Chemicals”
Dopamine – ALC – Serotonin – GABA
These all work together to help the neurons fire, memory, reducing stress, helping to restore control of your life back to you!
(Link to: ‘Mind and Memory Articles‘.)
Mind and Memory Blend Formula Search
Heavy Metal Detox:
There are quite a few bacteria that monolaurin kills in hours or a few days (HIV virus take longer) and the liver eliminates them. Many people can start with a full dose of monolaurin and not have any problems. However, others have a more sensitive immune system which reacts to dead bacteria, causing a ‘herxheimer’ reaction (also common with antibiotics) .
These are not dangerous but can feel ‘gunky’, like catching the flu. There are two ways of dealing with them.
1. Simply go slower in building up to a full dose of Monolaurin. 2. Some want to be more aggressive, or are extra sensitive, so they use a Heavy Metal Detox. A good detox blend helps the liver be more efficient in capturing and eliminating them, reducing herx reactions.
Also, many studies indicate our modern industry may expose us to 500 times the lead, mercury and other heavy metals than people 300 years ago. These are toxins in our body that drain energy and can cause problems – especially with our organs! With the body already under attack from HIV and Aids, we don’t need something else draining our body’s energy and ability to fight these diseases.
(Link to: More Detox Information.)
Heavy Metal Detox Formula Search
(Note:) - A good Multi-Vitamins / Minerals / Nutrients
Surprisingly, your own body can be effective in resisting infections (including HIV and Aids). As such, it is important to give your body the nutrients it needs to be healthy and to have a good immune system. This makes it important to be taking a good multivitamin, mineral and herb supplement.
If you are already taking a good multivitamin, you may stay with it. If not, here is a search for some of the best multi-nutrient supplement in existence!