(Step 1. Artery Plaque Reduction)
– To help dissolve and remove arterial plaque.
Step 2. High Cholesterol Formula
– To help normalize cholesterol balance.
(Step 1: Artery Plaque Reduction is covered at this link.)
Step 2: High Cholesterol Formula
This article is on how to help normalize cholesterol balance with natural nutrients. In our Artery Plaque protocol, we showed a naturally blended nutrient list that helps loosen, dissolve and remove arterial plaque out of the arteries (link above). However, high cholesterol usually leads to artery plaque buildup. Both protocols can be done at the same time but, here, we talk about how to balance bad cholesterol levels.
The Problem with High Cholesterol Options
If the body doesn’t have the nutrients it needs to repair the normal tears in the arteries, it sends an emergency signal to the liver. The liver then produce sticky forms of cholesterol, LDL and Lp(a), to “patch” the damage. (To the body, having plaque is better than bleeding to death).
Unfortunately, this sticky cholesterol begins to form the dangerous artery plaque buildup that can cause heart and artery problems.
There are some ways to reduce this elevated serum cholesterol:
• Eat less fats and sugar – However, only 15-20% of bad cholesterol comes through food. The liver produces 80-85% of body cholesterol.
• Exercise – While a good thing, this is usually not enough to bring cholesterol levels down to healthy levels.
• Red yeast rice or niacin – Red yeast rice is simply a natural form of statin chemicals – still having some of the side effects. Niacin fights face-flushing effects if taken in the needed amounts.
• Statin drugs – They lower cholesterol levels about 35%. Unfortunately they are expensive and have bad side effects.
The Answer:
1. Artery Plaque Reduction (a separate protocol) – recommending the best of natural ingredients to support the body’s effort to dissolve and remove arterial plaque buildup.
2. High Cholesterol Formula – designed to use the best of natural ingredients to support the body’s effort in find a healthy balance of: lower LDL levels and higher (good) HDL levels!
To do this takes several different nutrients because there are several things that have to happen in the body and liver to result in lowered cholesterol. We’ll take a look at them below.
High Cholesterol Formula’s Key Nutrients:
We like highly absorbent nutrients balanced in the proper amounts to have maximum effective in the body. (We will provide a link to help you search for products that have as many of these nutrients as possible.)
Vitamin C, Folic Acid, B-6, B-12,
According to Harvard Medical School, these are your front line defense against homocysteine damage, helping to lower and normalize homocysteine metabolism damage. Adding B6 and B12 makes an even better team. Once again, vitamin C also fits into the healthy heart picture as it helps makes collagen in addition to fighting free radicals.
Grapefruit Pectin (450 mg)
Dr. James Cerda, at the U. of Florida, has many good studies on the beneficial effects of citrus soluble fiber. He has also found soluble fiber and grapefruit pectin together produce even more successful results.
Guar Gum (350 mg)
Guar gum is a potent natural choloretic that supports bile production, dumps bile into the gall bladder, then into the small intestines. This helps free the liver to do its job better.
Lecithin (325 mg)
Lecithin helps increase fat liquidity and is left out of many formulas. Lecithin helps cholesterol to become more soluble in the bloodstream so it is much easier to remove and sent to the liver for removal.
L-Lysine (225 mg)
L-Lysine helps to produce carnitine and attaches to the lysine binding sites – helping to reduce adhesion to the artery walls.
Guggul Extract (175 mg)
Guggul helps prevents blood platelets from clumping and are looking forward to new US studies to begin.
Proprietary Booster Blend (625 mg)
Garlic (4:1, orderless)
Garlic is one of the oldest and best-established herbs for high cholesterol. Many European studies have confirmed garlic’s century old usage and abilities.
L-Proline has also been used by many to help support the cardiovascular system in helping to strengthen the heart muscle and repair blood vessel walls.
Naringin & Hesperin
The Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School has found that naringin and hesperin has plasma and antioxidant activity that supports long-term heart health. (You also get some naringin in the grapefruit pectin.)
Green Tea
Researchers have discovered green tea polyphenols extracts are rich in natural antioxidants and antiplatelet agents. They are routinely used in Asia to lower blood pressure and reduce elevated cholesterol – as well as cultures like France where fatty diets are common.
Pantethine has been an approved pharmaceutical for 30 years in Japan. Like policosanol below, it is expensive so most formulas don’t include it but the support it provides are without the risks of red yeast and niacin!
US studies are beginning to confirm the wonderful results it has shown in other countries. A new study in Bonn, Germany, has given confirmation of similar results. It is one of the single most expensive nutrients on the market so many cholesterol formulas don’t include it. We want to get the job done!
______________________________________________________________ Is This a Cure?
No one can legitimately make a ‘cure’ or ‘healing’ claim for cholesterol since we would die without some cholesterol in our body (and the best levels to have are highly debated). There is also nothing we are aware of that a person can take for a short time and have permanent results. This means that statin drugs and/or our nutrients both need to be taken on an ongoing basis. Fortunately, these can help regulate cholesterol levels – and people are happy about that!
Directions – Protocol for High Cholesterol Formula:
Test results for cholesterol usually begin improving in a few weeks. However, the full benefits of these nutrients are reached in about 2 months. In this first 2 months stage, people take 4-6 capsules worth a day, depending on weight.
A Fun Note: Once reaching full benefits, most people are able to reduce the amount – and maintain the same results! People are different but, once the body and liver have adapted, less supplements are needed so a container can longer.
These nutrients can be taken with or without food, all at once or spread out during the day.
There are many more articles in our “A-Z Index“ under ‘Cholesterol’ search topics.
Link for: High Cholesterol Nutrients – Google Search.