is Clinically Proven To Kill:
Herpes Simplex Virus I, II & Shingles!
Our 3 Step Program Can Help You!
Step 1: Herpes and Shingles are Internal. (Essential)
There are literally hundreds of clinical studies showing monolaurin directly kills the herpes and shingles virus and fights internal body infections as well. (We include many studies on our site.)
Step 2: Herpes and Shingles are external.
An Antibacterial Skin Spray that contains the same monolaurin as well as colloidal silver and skin nutrients will help if the common rashes dedvelop.
Step 3: “Maintenance” Helps Prevent Re-occurrences.
When monolaurin brings the viral count down close to zero, we want to prevent re-occurrences from happening.
The Problem and Answer:
The herpes virus causes different forms of herpes such as zoster, chickenpox and shingles forms. Outbreaks and different forms can become serious infections and painful. Problems include:
A. Treatment by specialized drugs is difficult, expensive and not permanently successful.B. Herpes can also be contagious and spread from person to person.C. Even if the symptoms go away, re-occurrences can happen.
The good news is that we have developed a “Complete Protocol” of using natural products to fight Herpes and Shingles on different fronts. Our recommendations do not interfere with, or have reactions with, standard medical procedures. As usual, consult with your doctor, but there should be no difficulty with inter-usage.
Step 1. Monolaurin – the internal infection fighter (Essential)
Monolaurin is credited with helping the South Sea natives to be resistant to the diseases that killed so many of American Indians. Researchers already knew that monolaurin highest concentration in nature is in mother’s milk. (It helps defend an infant until its immune system gets up to speed.) It didn’t take researchers long to find monolaurin kills all pathogen (bad) bacteria it is exposed to – and 14 virus including the herpes virus – including epstein barr and shingles!
It is pretty simple how it does it. Monolaurin absorbs into any membranes that have lipid fats in them. (This happens to be all pathogen (bad) bacteria and 14 viruses – including herpes. When enough monolaurin absorbs into the membranes, they weaken and rupture. The hepes virus dies and is filtered out of the blood.
MonoLaurin is the most effective monoglyceride but it is reported that including monoCaprin and other monoglycerides, the effects are accumulative (they work together and become more effective – (Isaacs and Thormar 1990).
Safety is a big plus because monolaurin does not harm the body cells or good bacteria! They have a different type of membrane so monolaurin doesn’t absorb into them!
We find monolaurin pellets are much more concentrated and far less money per serving. A teaspoon of small pellets (about 80 pellets in a teaspoon) gives you 3,000 mg.
(More information: Monolaurin, Dosage .)
Step 2. Antibacterial Skin Spray – the external infection fighter
This is not always essential being only needed when skin issues are involved. The fulll service monolaurin producer also has a Skin Spray with monolaurin in it. In additional, it includes coconut phospholipids and a blend of therapeutic-grade plant essential oils. This helps a person fight any external skin infection and dry conditions that may result from Herpes or Shingles skin problems.
It also appears to be a major help for the skin of shingles suffers. Many report that it helps bring skin pain relief in 1-2 weeks while the pellets are killing the virus inside. This relief may also be helped by the skin nourishing base that is built into it. It comes in a pump spray bottle for easy application. (Here is more information about essential oils .)
Step 3. “Maintenance” – Preventing Re-occurrences.
When the herpes viral count is way down, the next step is to lower the probably of preventing re-occurrences. The problem is that:
The virus kind of ‘hibernates’ in the cell and may or may not ever come out. Unfortunately, treatments can’t get to the virus because the cell walls actually protect them! No one is quite sure what might trigger the virus to come out again but they may sense when the immune system is weakened or stressed. The virus then comes out to multiply and causes a “re-occurrence”. This is extremely frustrating for doctors and patients.
that has been helping people for years!
“I’ve been using Monolaurin for about 2 years now and I’m extremely happy with the results. I’ve had no side effects at all, and have not had one outbreak since taking it. Every once in a while when I feel I may be close to an outbreak, I increase my dosage for a couple of days and it goes away.” Anonymous, CA
Link to many more: Testimonies.
Note:Is this a Cure???
We have the best results of anyone we know of, but it is not perfect. Also, no product can legitimately make a claim for a Herpes disease “cure” since the Herpes virus can burrow into our cells. When they do that, the cell wall protects everything within the cell, including the virus! Currently, there is no test that can tell people whether there is any virus remaining inside cells – meaning that no one can be sure they are 100% free or ‘cured’.
Fortunately, we have been able to radically lower people’s symptoms as well as fight the bacteria and skin problems and help prevent re-occurrences. People have been very happy about that!)
How to Use Monolaurin and Biofilm Enzymes
Directions: It is hard for us to not get too excited because we hear the results people get. If you decide to use this protocol, here are the directions:
Link: How to Use Monolaurin, Biofilm Enzymes and Mind and Memory
Possible Complications – and Answers! Over the years we have been able to find answers to some occasional road blocks that might limits results.
Link: Possible Complications – and Answers!
The “Maintenance” Protocol
OK – now you have lowered the hepes “active” viral count that causes most of the problems. Now we want to Prevent Re-occurrences! The problem is that:
The herpes has a nasty ability
to burrow into our body cells!
When there, the virus kind of ‘hibernates’ and may or may not ever come out. Unfortunately, drugs, the immune system and even monolaurin can’t get to them because the cell wall protects everything in the cell – including the virus!
If the virus does come out of the cell, it wants to multiply and build up again into what is called a “re-occurrence”. This has been extremely frustrating for doctors and patients.
Fortunately, we have an answer
that has helped people for years!
It is pretty simple (and inexpensive)! After lowering the viral count, a person can then take a reduced amount of 1 tsp. monolaurin daily. (The skin products are often not needed any longer.) If the virus comes out of the cells, they encounter the monolaurin in the blood system and monolaurin can then kill them before they can multiply and build up again.
Fortunately, the purest monolaurin pellets available are also the least expensive and a large container can lasts 6 months.
Also Worth Considering – (but not essential)
Mind and Memory – Improving Mental Ability
Herpes often causes physical and mental fatigue and depression, often called, “brain fog” (lack of mental energy and focus). There are Mind and Memory nutrients that provide the nutrients the body needs to make the “4 Essential Brain Chemicals”: dopamine, ALC, serotonin and GABA.
These all work together to help the neurons fire, memory, reducing stress, helping to restore control of your life back to you where people feel they are:
– “getting on top of it” quicker,
– Have better thinking ability,
– More energy, less discouragement,
– Are encouraged to stay with the protocol for results!
(Articles & Studies at Mind & Memory.)
The full service monolaurin producer has some other things that might apply, including:
Antibacterial Foaming Soap
Antibacterial Conditioner
Multi-Vitamins, Minerals, Nutrients
Our Best to All